田辺市HOME > 世界遺産熊野本宮館 > Kumano Hongu Heritage Center > 交通案内




From Kyoto, Shin-Osaka

The JR Kii-no-Kuni line runs from Kyoto, Shin-Osaka and Tennoji to Kii-Tanabe Station. From Kii-Tanabe busses run daily to Hongu.

The JR Kii-no-Kuni line runs from Kyoto, Shin-Osaka and Tennoji to Shingu Station. From Shingu busses run daily to Hongu.

From Nagoya

The JR Kiisei line runs from Nagoya to Shingu. From Shingu busses run daily to Hongu.

From Tokyo

Take a Shinkansen from Tokyo to either Nagoya or Shin-Osaka. From there follow the directions from above.


There are daily flights from Haneda Airport in Tokyo to Nanki Shirahama airport. From Nanki Shirahama Airport busses run to Hongu.
1hr 10 min.