田辺市HOME > 世界遺産熊野本宮館 > Kumano Hongu Heritage Center > Kumano Hongu Heritage Center

Kumano Hongu Heritage Center

施設外観This modern building features many services, facilities and exhibitions to help visitors learn about the regions cultural, historical and spiritual heritage.
※All permanent exhibitions and videos include English translations.


Services, Facilities & Exhibitions

多目的ホールMulti-purpose Hall

The octagonal shaped hall seats up to 248 people and can be used for video presentations, exhibitions, seminars, lectures, etc.

本宮関連展示Kumano Hongu Exhibitions

This permanent exhibition introduces the Kumano Hongu area focusing on religious beliefs, sacred sites, important historical figures, legends, etc.

展示施設Wakayama World Heritage Center

The name of this permanent exhibition is "Kii Spirit" and introduces the UNESCO World Heritage property "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range".

Temporary Exhibition Space展示ロビー

Space is available for temporary exhibitions in the North Hall.

交流スペースExchange Space

This open space is for interacting with staff and other visitors. The large wooden beams and intricate ceiling design makes for a lofty, warm atmosphere.

図書コーナーStudy Area

Relaxing space to read and learn about the area. Books and magazines are available from the small library.

Heritage Center Floor Plan 

Heritage Center Floor Plan